Monday, August 23, 2010

Her Cup Runeth Over

Hey Buxom Beauties!
So as our bodies change there are some parts of us that requires special attention. Our breasts and bottoms. They are ever expanding and need the proper support. So that means investing a good bra and comfy undies.

I must admit I was a bit hesitant on purchasing maternity under wear. I thought to myself " Who wants to wear granny panties?". But I'm glad I took a look at the Motherhood Maternity lingerie section. I purchased two packs of maternity underwear. I picked up some boy shorts and thongs. Though the designs are far from Vickie's (Victoria's Secret), they are cute and don't make me feel like I'm 84 years old. I would personally recommend the boy shorts over the thongs. They are both made of cotton and have extra stretch in them. The boy short just feels better.The price wasn't half bad either. I spent less than $15 on each pack and it was worth the cost.I don't know about you but I definitely do not miss the wedgies from my pre maternity under wear. And my honey sends his compliments to motherhood maternity.

On to the over the shoulder bolder holder, better known as a bra. Its seems the fashion industry takes advantage of our vulnerable population. They charge exorbitant prices for things they know we need and is hard to substitute. I haven't purchased a maternity/nursing bra yet but judging by the rapid growth I need to get to a store asap! So I took to the Internet to do some price comparisons. has the best prices. The price range on their bras are $13-$22. has some pretty good prices you can spend $58 on one of theirs. A Pea in the Pod must be out of their minds with their prices! I won't even mention their price range.

I'll be ordering two this weekend and will report back my experience. Happy Lingerie Shopping! TTYL!

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