Thursday, April 11, 2013

Leading a Leftover Lifestyle

Hey Frugal Mommas!
In today's economy, planning for everyday expenses and future inheritances is financially challenging. Between gas, daycare, co-pays, and bills, our pay checks have to stretch further than ever before. It is with the mounting cost of life that I am determined to live a Leftover Lifestyle. I hope that my plan helps your budget and decreases some stress for you.

Food: It occurred to me the other day, that for almost a month, I had not eaten at a fast food restaurant  I had stuck to cooking a big enough dinner to have enough for lunch the next day. Not only did my wallet thank me but so did my waist line. I have made up in my mind that it is very important that I plan my lunch for the next day the night before. I have even gone so far as to plan two weeks worth of family meals before I go grocery shopping. I build in days for leftovers and purchase food that will make a quick lunch.Just having the list ha reduced the anxiety of having to answer the dreaded question of "What's for Dinner?"

Clothing: As most moms of toddlers know, how your little one looks when they go to daycare and when they come home is drastically different. I can tell what activities and food my little one had just by looking at her clothes. I enjoy planning adorable outfits with matching hair bows for her and seeing her outfit and hair have fallen victim to her joyous day can be disheartening. Between her daycare activities and ever growing body, buying clothes every season is a must. This can be brutal on a family budget. So I am determined to mix and mingle consignment and new clothing. I look on to find local sales and place them on my calender. I have in mind what she needs before I go so that I can be a focused hunter. I stick to buying socks, bathing suits, and swim shoes new. Even for myself the thrift store is my best friend! Its great for building my wardrobe at a low cost. You can even get discounts with a military i.d. or on certain days with a free membership card. Another tip is to reshop your own closet. Take a new look at old items and choose to rock them in a new way.

Personal Care: Taking care of Mommy, is usually low on my list but is absolutely necessary. For my personal care items I hunt at the dollar store and purchase store brand items at grocery stores. Even with make-up, I'm consistently looking for a good deal. Now anyone that knows me knows I'm a Mally girl ( or mally beauty on QVC), but her high quality products can be a bit high for my budget. The beauty supply i my best friend! You can find inexpensive jewelry, hair care for you and little one, and try out new make up shades at a low price.

Customer Loyalty: I'm always signing up for customer loyalty programs for restaurants  stores, and more. They are a great way to get coupon and notifications for sales. You can even reduce the cot of gas at certain stations just for buying your groceries.

Ok you've got the tools to live a Leftover Lifestyle. Go and live it fiercely! TTYL!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Smell Check One Two One Two

                Good Morning Mamas! As I drove into work this morning I was reflecting on my labor, delivery, and hospital stay. I thought about the joyous challenge of giving birth to my little one and all of the love I immediately felt when I met her. Then the thought of the attack of the funk fluttered into my happy memories. It is with that assault that I offer the following advice. Enlist the help of a smell and scenery partner!

             The job description of a smell and scenery partner is to always make sure that you and your hospital smell good. You will more than likely have a flood of visitors come to see and meet you and your little one. If your experience was anything like mine was, you wont get much sleep between feedings, testing, and sleep intrusive nurses who mean well. Smell and Scenery Partner to the rescue! Armed with scented candles (flame less to be safe), body spray, sponge bath tools, and a nursing cover they will have you protected from guests smelling the less than pretty side of recent child birth.
      I  recommend that your smell and scenery partner not be daddy. Let him enjoy your little one two. He can interact and care for your little one while your S&S partner gives you a sponge bath, helps you with a fresh gown, hands you mouth wash, and gives your lips some moisture.

       The tour of duty for your smell and scent partner is from the moment you go into labor and the duration of your hospital stay. You may want to have a rotation of at least two people. They don't have to stay the entire day just pop in and help you feel like a clean momma. It's best that you choose your partner at least a month before you are due and that they know where you will be keeping your toiletries.

           Well moms, that's all for now...get out there and start interviewing!

Monday, May 28, 2012

She Loves Me She Loves Me Not

Hey Mamas! Its bathing suit season...are you ready? What you ate in winter will show in the summer! I'm on this mission to embrace my new body and have been having a few hiccups along the way. My body and me are in a love hate relationship. I look at my reflection and begin searching my thoughts,asking myself "What do I think is sexy?" "Where did I get the definition of sexy?" "Why do I feel its important to loose weight?" "Is it really for health or to conform to a certain image of beauty?" I have a philosophical debate with my scale every morning. I am obsessed with weighing myself and my mood is effected by the number that stares back at me. I have to consciously tell myself not to compare my body to other moms..and boy is it hard! I have a body loving mantra taped to my bathroom mirror from the Booty Parlor book that I often ignore. I look at old pictures of myself and notice that my stomach was flatter and it saddens me. The sad part is I know how to eat healthy and exercise but its so much harder to do now. I just dont have the motivation I used to have. I start a diet in the morning and by the afternoon I've broken it! I have started to use Slimquick and it has produced results in the past. When I truly watched what I ate and worked out, I lost at least 3-5lbs a week. What I need is an event motivation. Like in 3 months I'll be attending a wedding and the thought of how I'll look in my dress and pictures has got to stop me from snacking on bite size candies and eating fast food. Will you ladies join me and be my body changing partners? If you are interested please post your comments, suggestions, and struggles. Let's help each other out.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Hello Old Friend

Hello Wondrous Mothers!

It's been so long since we stopped for a chat. I've been away thinking that I had no tips to share. Upon rifling through my spring and summer clothes I came across my stash of maternity wear and smiled. It warmed my heart to remember the joyous journey of dressing my body built for two. It rekindled my love for talking about all of the adventures in motherhood. So here I go again!

I once saw a woman nurse her toddler and put the child down once finished. I thought to myself I'll never nurse a child that can walk to me to nurse and almost 17 months later I am! I completely understand nursing until both mom and baby are ready to wean. I find myself riddled with guilt now that I have decided to stop breast feeding. I miss it like a realtive that has moved out of state.The one who you long to see and once they've been around for a week, long to see leave. I will always fondly remeber the bonding my daughter and I had and look forward to relating to her in a different format.

I am excited about learning this new body, appreciating my new curves, and remembering that my breasts are for more than feeding utensils. Where are you in the quest for balance of being a wonderful mom, attentive mate, and all around sexy diva?

Goal: Reload and Revamp

I'm personally still battling the monstrous villain stretch marks and the dreaded post pregnancy pooch. To be completely honest I havent been putting up much of a fight but rather embracing my new reflection. I did receive a sample of a wonderful product by Booty Parlor. The product is a skin firming lotion that is supposed to lift what dropped...sort of like a bra for your whole body! I'll keep you updated on how its working.

I am currently researching safe diet and exercise plans that will actually motivate me to stick to them so any suggestions would help. As of right now I'm participating in every free form of exercise I can find. I take the steps instead of the elevator, park the car a little further, and use my chevralegs for local errands. When I want to spice up my routine I skip every other step when climbing them.

I found a wonderful book by the founder of Booty Parlor that really boosted my self esteem. Mojo Makeover. In just thirty days, The Official Booty Parlor Mojo Makeover will help women of any age become more confident, more enthusiastic, and more satisfied. Filled with inspiring and practical advice, how-to tips and tricks, interactive exercises, and real-life anecdotes, this fun four-week program is sure to leave women feeling happier, sexier, and more fulfilled—whether they're in a relationship or not.

Dressing this new body has been an interesting task. Coaching myself to not feel discouraged by the clothes I can't fit is a necessary action. But what I've learned is that what was a fashion fit at age 21 may not be one for over 25 regardless of what size is on the label. But to be honest the size of the clothing isn't the only thing that disturbs me but rather spending money on wardrobe does. I have the mom guilt of buying something for myself and then thinking of all of the things I could have purchased for my little one. So between the size change and mom guilt buying clothes isn't as stress relieving as it used to be. But I am going to stick to it. I plan on perusing my old haunts to find chic ensembles.

Well Mamas, Mama's gotta get back to work. Bacon doesn't get brought home by itself! See you soon.

Friday, July 1, 2011

You Glow Girl

Hey Fellow Mommies!
I am a die hard make-up fan and love the polished look I have when I wear it but I often have very little time to put on a full face. On those days when time is short and so is my patience I want to walk out with a bare face and feel confident.In my quest to maintain a summer of simplistic beauty, Ive been searching for inexpensive ways to improve the look of my skin. As much as I would love to run out and buy Estee Lauder's Idealist Even Skintone Illuminator, which by the way is $58 for one ounce, I cant justify the purchase with the rising cost of gas and diapers. So I'm going to complete my glowing skin ritual au natural. Below is my grocery store arsenal to complete my Good to Glow mission.

Blueberries.This healthy snack is packed full of antioxidants, are easy to pack, and are delicious treats. They help prevent premature aging which comes in handy for those sleepless nights.

Carrots. These orange agent help to clear up blemishes. Instead of reaching for those greasy chips crunch on carrots and feel confident you are giving your skin a treat.

Green tea with lemon. Drink two cups a day and watch out for luminous skin! I drink one in the morning and one before bed. The lemon juice helps your body absorb all of the benefits of the tea. If you also looking to drop a few pounds, green tea can act as a double agent.

Almonds. Its best to pop a couple of these in the morning before you eat so that you absorb all of its nutrient goodness. They help to keep give your skin an abundance of moisture. They also can help you shed a few pounds.

Tomato. The lycopene in tomatoes help to keep your skin looking fresh, radiant, and young. So stew them, toss them in salad, or snack on them with some ranch dip and await dewy skin.

Ok you gorgeous ladies, time to get to having the best beauty days on a budget. I'll keep up the research and share what I find. Can't wait till our next chat!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Udderly Gorgeous

Hello Lactating Ladies!

While I was pregnant I was constantly asked if I had planned on breastfeeding. The question puzzled me as I didn't know that is was an option; I thought it was what I was supposed to do. Breastfeeding has so many rewards and benefits for both mom and baby. Breastfeeding helps your uterus go back to its normal size faster, helps you loose weight, and is an excellent way to bond with your baby. You'll be giving your baby the best nutrition, they'll be less likely to have ear infections and other common complications, and breast milk helps with their metabolism if you nurse for at least a year.

Breastfeeding also makes those late night feedings go so much easier. You don't have to trek anywhere to fetch a bottle, don't have to worry about the temperature of the milk, and its always fresh! For the recessionistas...its completely free!

To enhance your breastfeeding experience here are some tips.

1.Keep it flowing!:I discovered that there are several brands of teas that aide in increaing your breast milk production. My personal favortie is Earth Mama Angel Baby Organics. I purchased three boxes from for about $13.00 (which is a great bargain, beleive me I looked around). The tea has a peppermint taste and is delicious. I leave two boxes at home and take one to work and try to have at least two cups a day.

2. She works hard for the money: For a successful breast pumping experience at work, you have to do some prep work. If your breast pump does not come with a carrying case, purchase a cute tote to transport it. Several stores sell cute reusubale shopping bags for cheap that can get the job done. You may also want to purchase a small bag to put freezer packs in and the milk you pump. You will also need a shirt protection plan, that would be your nursing pads. I've tried several and the best are made by the 1st years. I absolutely love them! They are lanolin treated so they help with soreness and make you more comfortable. They are thin so they are discreet. They don't have adhesive but stay in place and I have never sprung a leak while using them.

3. Keeping Victoria's Secret: Breastfeeding in public can be a challenge so its good to prep ahead of time. My older sister purchased an Udder Cover for me and it was a life saver. It effectively covers both my little one and my otherwise exposed parts. The company always has promotions going so check them out. My step-mother sent me a link to get another one for free! No, really it was free!

4. Rip the Runway!: Ok so in searching for cute nursing clothing I didn't find much. I searched my usual haunts Oldnavy and Motherhood Maternity and found that a lot of their clothes were casual and would take some dressing up to be appropriate for work. They do offer cute tops and Motherhood Maternity has affordable nursing bras. I purchased two from Target and they are holding up well. Although I would suggest buying a least four nursing bras. Another tip is to make sure whatever outfit you were on an outing with your little on is nursing friendly. Think to yourself, can I quickly and discreetly feed my little one with what I have on? Needless to say I had a snafoo and I don't want you to have experience that.

Well my nutrient producing mammas, I'll chat with you soon.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Love That Girl

There is a new show on TV One called Love That Girl, it’s a cute comedy. The title made me reflect on how I now feel about my new body. My reflection and I have had a rocky relationship so far. There are days that I feel like I look good for a woman who had a baby then I see other moms and don’t feel too happy about my appearance. So I'm on a mission to find methods to give the much needed love to the girl looking back at me.

I was introduced to Spanx a few years ago and loved what they had to offer. Spanx is a collection of shapewear that provides hosiery that sucks in all the extra spillage. I ordered three pair of the Tight End Tights. They are great because they are reversible so I'm getting more for my dollar. They are kinda pricey but the investment is well worth it. I wear them with jeans, slacks, and dresses. They’re great in the fall and winter. I also purchased a pair of their Super Shaping Sheer Stockings for the times when I don’t feel like tights.

To add to the cinching I have purchased a new Belly Bandit in a smaller size. It comfortably tightens the stomach area, looks smooth under my shirts, and feels comfortable.

My older brother is training to be a police officer and offered some assistance in my quest to love my midsection. Although I haven’t tried it yet he told me to start a crunches regimen. Haven’t gotten around to it yet but I'll keep you all posted.

Ok so I know I can’t be the only woman who dreads shopping for jeans. For the first few weeks that I and my little were getting to know each other I recycled my maternity pants. But it soon became apparent that some new jeans were a must. Since I was 16 years old, the thought of having to try on countless pairs of jeans was enough to make me shed a tear. It’s hard to find jeans that fit because I have a small waist and big thighs. So you can imagine how happy I was when I discovered a brand that fit my curves like they were tailor made. I was delivered a crushing blow when I ordered the brand and realized that they no longer were the quality material and fit that they once were. I was devastated! Then my hunny calmed me down and assured me that I would find jeans that fit, and I did! Thank to the Levis Outlet at Potomac Mills Mall I have three new pair.

Being introduced to the new reflection has its challenges, like what to do with my pre pregnancy clothes that don’t fit. I summoned up all the courage I had and tried on all of my old clothes. I was pleasantly surprised by what did fit. I didn’t allow myself to feel bad about what didn’t fit; I simply moved them for next season when they will make a recurrence.

When it comes to your clothes finding mission, don’t pay attention or get discourage by the size. Focus on fit.

Well ladies, talk to you later! Don’t forget to tell yourself you’re hot!