Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Au Natural

Hey Sensational Senoritas!

About a month ago, my big sister posted a video on my facebook wall. The video was of a young woman discussing Chris Rock's film Good Hair. She was reflecting on her own beliefs and discussing what she taught her daughters about the subject. That got my wheels spinning about the lessons I will pass on to my daughter. The debate of good and bad hair has raged on for centuries. From the time of the middle passage until now, African American people have conversed about what the terms really mean.

On the cover of beauty mags, glamorous Africa American women have straight, flowing, and most likely chemically treated hair. I must admit that as a teenager the images made me feel inadequate with my natural hair. I wanted a perm so bad because my aunt said I needed one, boys didn't like girls with natural hair, and my hair was a challenge to groom. Even with the feelings of inadequacy, I have always despised the terms good and bad hair. It bothers me to think that the mentality is passed down from generation to generation.

So having said all of that, what do I tell my daughter? The young woman in the video made a good point that good and bad hair isn't any particular state, be it natural or chemically treated. I think that the message I will give to her is to do to her hair what feels good to her. Ignore the fact mommy has locs and that the girls in school have straight hair. Focus on making your hair healthy and don't give it more importance than it deserves. Keep it clean and well maintained, don't be pressured to wear any hairstyle. I will never tell her that she needs a perm or that natural is the only way to go. We can discuss the benefits of both so that she can make an informed decision when she is old enough. Until then I'll leave her hair in its natural state so that she can have the option later.

In Chris Rock's film girls were getting perms as young as three years old! If you do something to permanently alter your child's hair you limit what they can do when its their decision.

As far as my hair journey goes, locs fit my lifestyle. I only had a perm for three years. Afterward I kept my hair in braids and cornrows. I've never been the kind of girl to get up early to do my hair so locs were a perfect solution. I can put oil in it and go!

However you choose to do your do, rock it to the fullest! TTYL!

1 comment:

  1. Love it Jess! I'm hoping to watch the movie sometime during this week.
