Thursday, April 11, 2013

Leading a Leftover Lifestyle

Hey Frugal Mommas!
In today's economy, planning for everyday expenses and future inheritances is financially challenging. Between gas, daycare, co-pays, and bills, our pay checks have to stretch further than ever before. It is with the mounting cost of life that I am determined to live a Leftover Lifestyle. I hope that my plan helps your budget and decreases some stress for you.

Food: It occurred to me the other day, that for almost a month, I had not eaten at a fast food restaurant  I had stuck to cooking a big enough dinner to have enough for lunch the next day. Not only did my wallet thank me but so did my waist line. I have made up in my mind that it is very important that I plan my lunch for the next day the night before. I have even gone so far as to plan two weeks worth of family meals before I go grocery shopping. I build in days for leftovers and purchase food that will make a quick lunch.Just having the list ha reduced the anxiety of having to answer the dreaded question of "What's for Dinner?"

Clothing: As most moms of toddlers know, how your little one looks when they go to daycare and when they come home is drastically different. I can tell what activities and food my little one had just by looking at her clothes. I enjoy planning adorable outfits with matching hair bows for her and seeing her outfit and hair have fallen victim to her joyous day can be disheartening. Between her daycare activities and ever growing body, buying clothes every season is a must. This can be brutal on a family budget. So I am determined to mix and mingle consignment and new clothing. I look on to find local sales and place them on my calender. I have in mind what she needs before I go so that I can be a focused hunter. I stick to buying socks, bathing suits, and swim shoes new. Even for myself the thrift store is my best friend! Its great for building my wardrobe at a low cost. You can even get discounts with a military i.d. or on certain days with a free membership card. Another tip is to reshop your own closet. Take a new look at old items and choose to rock them in a new way.

Personal Care: Taking care of Mommy, is usually low on my list but is absolutely necessary. For my personal care items I hunt at the dollar store and purchase store brand items at grocery stores. Even with make-up, I'm consistently looking for a good deal. Now anyone that knows me knows I'm a Mally girl ( or mally beauty on QVC), but her high quality products can be a bit high for my budget. The beauty supply i my best friend! You can find inexpensive jewelry, hair care for you and little one, and try out new make up shades at a low price.

Customer Loyalty: I'm always signing up for customer loyalty programs for restaurants  stores, and more. They are a great way to get coupon and notifications for sales. You can even reduce the cot of gas at certain stations just for buying your groceries.

Ok you've got the tools to live a Leftover Lifestyle. Go and live it fiercely! TTYL!

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