Hi Mommies-to-be!
Today's blog is taking a step back on fashion and honing in on health instead. Two nights ago, my sweetheart and I were actively participating in our childbirth classes and I sprung a leak! I had gone to the ladies room just before it happened but I guess my body and mind were not on the same wave length. When I told my honey what happened he immediately said we should mention it to the instructor as I had also been experiencing horrible back pain for almost 24 hours.
After explaining my awkward and embarrassing predicament, the instructor suggested that I get evaluated. Since we were already at the hospital, I headed upstairs to get checked out. Oh and by the way if you have to got to the hospital for any reason, get food! We learned that lesson and my love went for a Mc Donald's run (I know, soo not healthy, but I was having a fat girl moment and he wanted to indulge me).
So after being hooked up to monitors and being asked a gazillion questions a test was administered on me. The nurse used a q-tip to test if the fluid was amniotic fluid. She explained that if my water had been broken I would have to stay in the hospital until I delivered! Not just day but weeks! I was already mentally planning my break out. Lol! Less than an hour later it was determined that all was well and I was given a clean bill of health.
Apparently I had a virus and the liquid was discharge. The first signs would have been an unusual odor, when asked I said I hadn't noticed one. Later my love told me he had, wonderful partner. The virus will be easily treated with antibiotics.Ok so background story done, lets get done to the moral of it. Pay attention to the scents your body emits, be knowledgeable about pre term labor signs, and always air on the side of caution. Its better to have the doctor tell you there is nothing wrong then to ignore signs and complicate your pregnancy.
Until next time moms, stay healthy!
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