Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Is That Pool Water?

Hey Pretty Ladies,

The first time I witnessed stretch marks was on a visit to my grandmother's house. I used to love to share the same bed with her, watch tv, and chat about anything and everything. On one visit I watched her as she got out of the bed and noticed lines on her back and legs. In my innocence I asked "Grandma, why do you have pool water on your body?" She laughed and as I got older I realized that those same lines were on me and the were the evil and dreaded stretch marks!

So what's a girl to do when her skin has to stretch in order to make room for a baby? Are we doomed to live with these wretched invaders? Nope! My advisor told me about a great cream called Mother's Friend Body Skin Cream. You can purchase it at amazon.com. I rub it on my stomach, but, and upper legs. Also I'm not sure if its just an old wives's tale but I've been told not to scratch anywhere. Apparently scratching causes stretch marks. I just gently rub when I get the sensation to scratch. So far these methods have kept the preggo stretch marks at bay.

If you can't afford the cream, my suggestion would be to keep your skin moisturized. Invest in a really good lotion and incorporate coco butter into your morning and night regimen. Now go out and fight the good fight. Say it with me No Stretch Marks!

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